miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

The Seeds of Sexual Distortion

Human cultures are riddled with myths, fantasies and delusions. Out of these grow the taboos, destructive acultural impratives, dysfunctional behavior, and defective systems which, in turn, insure that Homo Sapiens continues to be the most disturbed and vicious animal on this planet.
Virtually all of our ignorance and misdirection results from instituted and codified conceptual pathogens. The individual generates Little of his or her own conceptual structure, mainly accepting and internalizing the instituted conceptual baggage of culture.
Any delusional information will generate some form of dysfuntion within the individual and the society. The highly deluded individual is also highly vulnerable to further false indoctrination. The most difficult cognitive problema for the individual is simply that of recognizing cultural teachings as being largely delusional. Cultural identity is usually an euphemism for cultural delusion.
In an environment structured to maintain delusion, one finds Little definitive information, and virtually no encouragement toward orienting people to the realities. Falsehoods infect every sector of invlvement and inquirí. There are few, if any, aspects of existence is which our institutional sources present a clear and accurate view. The delusional a-priori infects and distorts all cognizance. Little exists in reality as presented by our cultures. This cannot be emphasized enough. Everything gets distorted.
The overwhelming use of language and custom in human societies functions to support delusional cognitive systems. Our language is more often used to obfuscate tan to enlighten; to hide, rather tan expose; to generate confusión, not understanding. The overwhelming use of a language is to propagandize and to amintain the institutions and the debilitating belief. All to maintain the institutions and the objective reality and the development of cognitive integrity.
Were our obectives more toward discovery and the acceptance of factual reality, we would have systems and societies able to make corrections. Where there is broad rejection of reality, perceptions becme divergent from knowledge and selling must be on an emotional basis instead of apprealing to reason ando índices of evidence. Emotional bias is accentuated at the expense of reason. Nowhere is propaganda more in use than in institutional manipulation of human sexuality. In no area of fundamental human function does one find more rejection of the realities than in the area of sex. For the greater numbers, this is an area of frustration, of distorted drives and delusional expectations.
Sexuality is the most all-pervasive area of taboo. the basis for much of this taboo stems from Western and Middle Eastern religious teachings which deem sexual gratification as ignoble, if not evil and amintain an "obscenity of the flesh" that poisons, distorts and frustrates our natural drives.
On a physiological basis, sexual drives are governed primarily by chemistry, through hormonal secretios. These chemicals trigger physiological and emotional responses. The development of human sexual mechanisms and drives has its bigginings in the zygote and continues through childhood to adulthood, changing endlessly throughout life.
this is an area of human drives and function that cannot be denied and, therefore, provides a vulnerable Access point for hogh levels of manipulation and control of the individual. By implating associated guilt and fear, high levels of conflict, stress and deprovation can be induce. The reduction of these unpleasant conditions can be used to shape behavior.
Yet, where normal drives are in conflict with unnatural taboos and cultural proscriptions, supperession of behavior by society causes pressures and dostortions to build to eventual explosive levels, tendencies that would otherwise never reach levels of expression can become truely devastatin when they are not longer contained.
It is in childhood that most of our emotional and cognitive distortions have their roots. The damage, to a large degree, is permanent. With the subject, and the fact, of childhood sexuality being taboo and childhood sexual drives being suppressed, almost invariably punished, there is Little ability to avoid either the instillation of guilt and other negative attitudes and associations, or the effects.
A taboo area is like a closed infection, it is where the problems build but cannot be examined, cannot be aired, drives cannot be fulfilled and reduced; where relaxed discussions and experimentation cannot take place, allowing individuals, children or adults, to work out their needs as natural aspects of life. The problems feed upon themselves, and grow.
In is in childhood that the sedes are sown for virtually every functional problema of adulthood, sexuality being just one serious and vulnerable area.

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