miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Religion and Government

Religión is the great dementor. It functions to deny any rational basis for existence and maintain a created Cosmos without principles, other tan the arbitrary will of "God". Once these a-priori have been implanted, the individual is rendered incapable of accepting the factual nature of exitence, as per the principle of Reciprocal Cognitive Exclusión (RCE). In order to maintain the belief, the reciprocal reality must be denied or excluded.
Religión provides the mythical basis for authority and Authoritarianism, providing a foundation and rationale for authoritarian governing. It renders the  individual impotent, ignirant of the physical realities and unable to reason critically or accept corrective information. the individual is unable to recognize or resist either the degenerative processes or the parasitical nature of the controlling institutions of religión and current forms of government.
The indoctrinated citizen does not grasp the role religión play in preparing and maintaining population submissive to authoritarian governing.
Given the breadth and depth of facutal knowledge available today, authoritarian governing would probably not be posible, were it not for the degenerative effects of religion. This is the ubiquitous functional relationship, and mutual affinity between religion and government.

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